Are You Protecting Yourself and Your Family In An accident?
Who's At Fault? Do You Know? How Would You Tell? That's where Dash Cam comes into play. The tiny device can help protect your family and your loved ones in case of an accident.
"Studies have shown that between scams and unreliable narratives, up to 40% of accidents are attributed to the wrong person." - Car Safety Trend Advocate

Are you prepared to protect your family and your loved ones in an accident? Do you know how you will prove you are not at fault if they worse happens? Can you keep an eye on your teenagers driving habbits? These are all questions that the new product we reviewing seeks to answer.
At Car Safety Trends, we strive to keep on top of all safety trends and the newest one? Car Dash Cams! and guess what? We love them. Why?
Advantages of a dash cam
Having a dash cam in your car means supporting evidence at your fingertips – should you be involved in a car accident or witness one.
The devices are conveniently placed to observe the whole of the road ahead, therefore any accident which you happen to see or be involved in is going to be recorded.
Most authorities in the UK now accept dash cam footage as evidence. They can therefore be used to prevent future accidents by reporting reckless and dangerous drivers.
Road rage, drink driving and other dangerous behaviour behind the wheel are prevalent. However, a dashboard camera can help police and other law enforcement punish offenders before the worst-case scenario happens.
Reduced insurance premiums
On a more positive note, a dash cam can have cost-effective benefits for you as a driver. For example, lower insurance premiums.
Some insurers are recognising the preventative nature they have and offer a discount if you state that you have one fitted in your car.
Encourage safe driving
The power a dash cam has to reward safe driving and punish dangerous habits behind the wheel naturally encourages drivers using one to make better decisions.
The technology it uses for its car camera provides you with a score after each journey. The higher score is given to those drivers who show that they’re responsible when they take to road. In turn, premiums can be reduced by the insurance company the more times this happens.

Everyone has been in he said/she said/they said type situations. Where you're on one side, telling the truth and someone else is on the other side giving the exact oppposite story. Wouldn't it be nice, in those situations, especially when money, property and life in involved, to have real - video proof? That's exactly what dash cam does for you!
1. You Have First-Hand Evidence Of A Car Accident
This is by far the main reason why millions of car drivers have decided to invest their time and money in dash cams, especially in Russia, where you can see the highest number of dash cam users at the moment. Simply put, the camera will start recording as soon as you start your car’s engine and it will provide real-time, efficient, straight-to-the-point proof in case of accident.
If a car crash took place and your vehicle was involved, then you can prove that it was not your fault and you can send the videotape as evidence, should there be any court trial. This way, the other party will be held responsible for the accident and will be obliged to pay for your own car repairs – without the video evidence, the other driver may claim that the fault was entirely yours, as it often happens that the guilty drivers tend to put the blame on the victims.
The dash cam is the strongest and most efficient proof you have for defending yourself, in case of car crash. In the end, it is better to have one and to stay on the safe side, as it can help you save a lot of time, money and trouble in the long run.

2. A Dash Cam Is The Perfect Solution For Undisciplined Drivers
Another important reason why you should consider buying a dash cam is because this will help you report undisciplined drivers. Every driver has had at least one bad encounter with a bad driver, throughout his “driving career”.
Not only are these reckless and irresponsible drivers very bothersome and annoying, but they might actually put the lives of other drivers and innocent passengers in danger. However, reporting the bad behavior of an undisciplined driver can be a daunting task, as this often requires proof – if you do not have an eye witness to testify on your behalf, then the case usually goes cold.
This is where the dash cam steps in and provides the ultimate proof against bad drivers. However, the dash cam can actually be used to report a variety of drivers who do not act according to their status, when in traffic. You can use it for drunk drivers or reckless drivers who text and drive, you can use it for reporting road rage accidents and such.
Most of the US states have special programs dedicated to those who want to report bad drivers and make the United States roads a safer and better place for everybody. If you do not take action against these reckless people, then you already have your share of the fault, if anything happens to another driver or passenger.
It often happens that even if you are a good, experienced and professional driver who always sticks to the rules (both the written driving rules and the unwritten, common sense-related ones), there comes somebody else who is disrespectful and irresponsible. These people can cause a major accident in the blink of an eye, and the dash cam will capture every single detail that takes place on the road.

3. The Dash Cam Is Perfect For Driving Instructors And Worried Parents
Are you worried that your child may take your car for a ride, even though you have repeatedly forbidden him to do so? Do you own a taxi company and you suspect that your drivers may use several extra miles in personal interest, or perhaps you have a company of any kind and you want to limit the fuel consumption, yet extra miles keep adding up without any apparent reason? If that is the case, then the dashboard camera is certainly the best solution for you.
On the other hand, buying a dash cam is also perfect if you constantly lend your car to your friends or relatives, or you want to see what happens whenever you drop your vehicle off at the local mechanic. Your car may be one of your most valuable assets, and it is perfectly normal to be concerned about it and its integrity.
Most of the modern dash cameras come with GPS devices that are embedded in them, therefore in addition to recording every single detail that takes place both inside the car and outside of it, the dash cam will also record the driving speed as well as the different street routes.
You needn’t worry about losing clips, either. Thanks to a neat feature on most dashboard cameras, you can ‘lock’ video files. This prevents certain footage from being overwritten once the looped footage begins.
They can also take still photos of the road ahead, which are then available for you to download onto a computer or an app on your smartphone.
High-end options come with handy features such as GPS tracking and G-sensors, which save segments automatically when impact is detected. At the same time, they record your speed and location.

4. You Can Prevent Fraud
Insurance fraud is one of the most common problems of the 21st century, when it comes to vehicles and traffic. Not only does the fraud affect insurance companies on a large scale, but it actually takes its toll on car drivers (the honest ones!) as well.
Simply put, some drivers purposely cause car accidents just to put the blame on the other party, in order to extort money from the victim. This is a widely used fraud practice nowadays, where those who commit it usually look for high-end car drivers to extort.
In addition to extorting money from the alleged victim, who is usually innocent but has no way of proving it, these people also fake injuries in order to collect the insurance money from their insurance companies. Simply put, those who commit the fraud claim that they have suffered a whiplash injury, and they commonly claim that they suffer from back pain as well.
It is not uncommon for these people to demand hospitalization and even compensation to cover for the expense and “pain”. This is usually a phantom pain that is very hard to show on X-rays, so scammers simply take advantage of this loop hole and cause an insurance fraud.
The dashboard cam can prevent at least one of these two unpleasant situations. By carefully installing the cam on the dashboard of your car and recording all the events, you can prevent scammers from illegally extorting money from you for something you haven’t even done.
Don’t let scammers take advantage of you! Invest your money in a dash cam that will keep you on the safe side, rather than paying these scammers your hard-worked money just to avoid going to trial or calling the police to solve things out.

5. You Can Efficiently Prevent Parking Accidents
Parking can be a nightmare, especially for beginner drivers who tend to accidentally scratch other cars while they are struggling to park theirs. Has it ever occurred to you to find your beloved car scratched or seriously damaged, knowing that it was perfectly intact when you parked it the other night? Are you tired of your neighbor scraping your car when trying to pull theirs out?
Also, a well-installed dash camera can efficiently record vandals who are trying to break into your car, especially if you use to leave your vehicle unattended in public places or in areas that are poorly lit. One of the greatest advantages of dashboard cameras is that most of them can be set to stay on throughout the entire night, without you having to leave your car engine on.
In addition to this, the dash cams can also be operated remotely from the privacy of your home, and you can send all the data to your laptop, computer, tablet or smart phone. These cams are especially designed to give car owners the peace of mind they need at night, knowing that their cars are safe and sound in the parking lot!

6. You Can Record Your Entire Road Trip
This reason is particularly important if you are fond of road trips and you always go with your loved ones on occasional trips. Do you want to turn your road trip into an unforgettable journey that you can see over and over again, whenever nostalgia kicks in?
If so, then a dashboard camera is certainly a great investment that will help you turn your road trip into a great experience and a memory you will cherish over the years.
The Bottom Line
To sum it all up, a dashboard camera is a great investment, especially since it is very cost-effective and has a very straightforward design that typically consists of a microphone and a fixed-lens digital camera. These simple cameras can be installed on the dashboard or the windshield of your car within seconds, thanks to their suction cup.
You can upgrade your personal protection with your own Car Dash Cam camera right now on their website.
Exclusive Offer for our Readers
The makers of our favorite (and most cost effective) dash cam realize how important it is for people to have the added protection a dash cam provides all drivers during this stressful time... So For a limited time, they are offering our readers two huge specials.
Not only can you get your hands on your new CAR DASH CAM at an amazing discount today, but you’ll also get a second CAR DASH CAM for a loved one FOR FREE.
(This amazing discount won’t last long, claim yours today before the special offer expires***)
Note: Dash Cam's are selling out fast thanks to this special offer. Please use our exclusive link to claim your special discounts while supplies last.
Update: Only 9 Units Still Available. Special Promotion Ends:
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Adam D. Gamble
It’s almost like having a lawyer with you, this worked like a charm the last time I was pulled over for no reason and questioned.
Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago
Robert Graves
No more worries about wear I park in the parking lot - this little wizard protects my car even when I'm not there!
Reply . 14 . Like . 16 minutes ago
Ida Cherry
This has saved me from pulling out my hair. My 17 year old got into 3 accidents that were never "his fault" - 3 insurance claims for bumping into things mostly. Since we got this, he has magically not gotten into any accidents.
Reply . 2 . Like . 1 hour ago
Sandra D. Bennett (Protestor)
My husband is the worst driver in the world. I keep this in the car to protect him from himself.
Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago
Rhonda Howard
Great product! I got them for both my boys.
Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago
Ryan C.
I've seen these around but this 100% convinced me to buy! Can't wait to get mine.
Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago
Margaret Mata
Such great deals - I'm so excited to use mine for my road trip in a month!!!!
Reply . 14 . Like . 16 minutes ago
Jessica Levingston
I've gone ahead and placed an order. I think everyone should have one of these in their car. It's just common sense.
Reply . 2 . Like . 1 hour ago
Nora J
I bought one for myself, my kids and my grandkids. - It's really given me a lot of piece of mind.
Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago
Francisco Brown
After I became a victim of a fake hitting scam - some kid purposely ran in front of my car - I got this immediately. just wish i bought it sooner and i wouldn't have had the hassle i went through.
Reply . 13 . Like . 12 minutes ago